
How to Mix with EQ, Panning and Reverb

Mixing live sound can seem like it’s all about volume control, but it’s more involved than simply raising or lowering the faders of various audio sources.

You’ll want to use a few simple tools to help create a mix that has depth, texture, clarity, and focus.

Fortunately most consoles have these simple tools built in (yes, even analog consoles).

EQ – the most powerful mixing tool

EQ can do more for your sound than just about any other gadget in your audio toolbox.

Use EQ to clean up your mix, separate instruments that may be competing with each other, and shape the overall tone of your soundscape.

Use high pass (also called low cut) filters to reduce low frequency rumble in channels that don’t need the low...

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How to Mix Pads for Worship

Adding an ambient pad to your worship team’s sound is becoming more and more common. Many worship leaders celebrate using pads because it’s an easy, turn-key way to add a depth of sound to your worship team’s instrumentation without adding a team member or learning complex new technology.

Pads create a “musical safety net” that affords worship leaders the freedom to focus less on the details and more on leading well. Pads are an amazingly effective, low-cost, easy-to-use resource.

Those who are inexperienced with pads, however, tend to have a common question:

“Won't a continual pad-drone clash with the worship team, especially when they change chords? And if it’s always playing, won’t the...

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The Church Techā€™s Guide to Reverb

Reverb is one of those things that can really take your mix to the next level and be just the right thing that glues it all together, or helps punctuate certain instruments or vocals.

But there are so many options!

Knowing where to start with reverb often becomes a big exercise in trial and error that can take a lot of time, especially once you start fiddling with all the different settings that each reverb option might have.

If you feel like you haven’t quite mastered reverb in your mix, don’t worry. There are some simple tips and resources below that will help get you get started in the right direction.

First, let’s address the two big problems with reverb…

Problem #1: A little bit goes a long waaaayyyyyy!


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